An unpublished tetradrachm of Demetrios I
Los 100
SELEUKID KINGS. Demetrios I Soter, 162-150 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 30 mm, 17.00 g, 12 h), Seleukeia on the Tigris, 161. Diademed head of Demetrios I to right; all within fillet border. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ - ΔHMHTPIOY Tyche seated left on throne supported by tritoness right, holding short scepter in her right hand and cornucopiae in her left; all within dotted border. SC -. Apparently unpublished without the ΣΩTHPOΣ title and monograms or symbols. The obverse struck slightly off center and the reverse slightly rough, otherwise, about extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

This unpublished tetradrachm of Demetrios I from Seleukeia on the Tigris exhibits a particularly interesting feature: the reverse legend is simply ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY, without the epithet ΣΩTHPOΣ. The title 'Soter', which means 'savior', was conferred upon Demetrios by acclamation from the citizens of Babylon following his victory over the usurper Timarchos in 161 BC and appears on all previously known staters and tetradrachms from the reconquered eastern capital, Seleukeia on the Tigris. Additionally, the complete absence of monograms and other symbols is noteworthy and otherwise only attested on local bronze coins.

It is possible that this coin represents the earliest silver issue following Demetrios' victory over his rival, issued before the adoption of the Soter epithet was widely recognized. Alternatively, perhaps the die cutter (whose skilled hand can be easily recognized on SC pl. 16, 1690.7) simply made an error. In any case, all gold and silver coins of Demetrios from Seleukeia were certainly minted shortly after his victory in 161 BC, as indicated by their stylistic coherence and the distinctive overstrikes on coins of Timarchos.
750 CHF
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